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Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council

Draft Minutes of meeting held at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus

on 29th November 2023

Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)
Helen Clay - Secretary (HC)
Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)
Claire Pegrum (CP)
Clare Levings (CL)

Cllr. David Fraser (DF)
Cllr. Chris Balance (CB)

Previous Minutes:
Proposed by CP seconded by CL

Matters arising:
Redburn Traffic - DF has contacted David Devine at Transport Scotland to confirm the Community Council are happy with the proposal to help stop traffic causing a problem when parking on verges to look at the Highland cows.
Janitor’s House - The janitor’s house at the school has been empty for quite a while and it was discussed if it could potentially be utilised for teachers at the school as there is such a shortage of houses available for potential teachers to the school . DM to email Highland Council.
Glenmoriston Estates – ongoing.
Scottish Canals – ongoing.
Traffic lights - The lights by the Kirton Memorial had been turned off while the road was being resurfaced, they will be turned back on as soon as the work is fully finished.
Oich Road – ongoing.
Fort Augustus public toilets – ongoing.

Police Report: a report was expected after HC had spoken to the Sergeant but nothing was forthcoming.

Treasurer’s Report:
As of 29th November the account balance is £6,138.15.


Tomchrasky - ongoing
Culachy (Fred Olsen) - The application is due to be submitted and Fred Olsen representatives are to be invited to the January council meeting.
Coire Glas - The CLG meeting was held on Tuesday at the Lovat, it has been suggested that the meetings are held when jobs are actively happening at the substation. A member of the public attended the Community Council meeting regarding noise levels from pylons behind her house along Ardachy. She has done some research and has been in touch with SSEN.
DF will be in touch with outcome of the planning meeting.
Coire Glas are holding a meeting on 12th December at Glengarry Community Hall.
Beinneun – ongoing

Planning and Licensing:

Ref No. 23/05579/S36

Culachy Estate Land 4Km SE of Newton, Invergarry

Erection and operation of a windfarm for a period of 35 years, comprising 8 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 200m, access tracks, underground cabling, substation, maintenance building, batching plant, borrow pits and ancillary infrastructure.

Ref No. 23/05516/SCRE and Ref No. 23/05293/PAN
Land 325m SW of Whitebridge Cottage, Auchterawe, Fort Augustus
Upgrade of Beauly-Denny 275kv circuit to 400kv substation extension at Fort Augustus.
Platform extension and erection of substation buildings, associated plant and infrastructure, associated ancillary development, drainage infrastructure, temporary construction compound and laydown area(s) as required, access improvements and landscape requirements - National Development,

Ref No. 23/04837/FUL
Land to NE of Inchnacardoch Lodge Hotel
Siting of static caravan (retrospective).

Ref No. 23/04710/FUL
LAND 75m SE of Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Fort Augustus
Change of use of previously used land and workshop and siting of containers (class 6) to store borehole cores from Coire Glas pump storage Hydroelectric Scheme.


·        Jenny Findlay was unanimously co-opted on as a member of the Community Council.

·        Barty Jones will be the CC minute taker from January.

·        Streetlight out at Bruce’s Buildings, DM has reported to Highland Council. As it is a private road the Highland Council will not provide a grit bin.

·        DM had ordered Christmas trees for both villages.

·        A member of the public brought to our attention that the main car park has no lighting. DM to contact Shane Manning and Neil Fraser from Highland Council.

·        Community Council website needs to be brought up to date.

·        The Ness News will be out on Friday, 1st December 2023.